Strongest Bone in Human Body
Wilner is happiest when he is explaining things in science pontificating so it is natural that he has been a science teacher in high school and a teacher of chemistry at Georgia. By some measures it is also the strongest bone in the human body. Mandible Largest And Strongest Bone Of Face Lower Jaw Form Chin Human Invention Convention Inventions Many of us grew up believing the assertion that the tongue is the strongest. . It joins with the humerus on its larger end to make the. The femur also known as the thigh bone is one of the largest and strongest bones in the body extending from the hip joint all the way down to the knee joint. 13 The liver the largest internal organ and is the only organ that can regenerate itself. Approximately 60 25 10 3 and 1 of the aluminium body burden is in the bone lung muscle liver and brain respectively. Each Borg drone is linked to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ens...